Sunday, October 15, 2006

Tired, worn down, and just plain exhausted!

Hey everyone,

I just thought I would let you know how I am feeling these days. Well, look at the title and take a guess.... Man this process is really hard. Back in July, I thought this process would be exciting. I thought that God would open up so many doors, that my tough choice would be picking the right one. Well, things are not at that place. I have a few positions that are in process, and still waiting to hear about some other ones. I have two interviews this week. I am excited about this one in Beloit, Kansas. I have had two good phone conversations with them already, and am hoping for a third. I also have an interview with Silvercreek Reformed Church on Thursday night. Please keep them in your prayers. I also know that things are progressing with a few other churches and I hope that they will also move forward.

This search takes a lot of energy out of Dawn and I. It stresses us out, and we then begin to take out our frustrations on each other. I hope that this search ends soon for the health of our marriage. I am tired of arguing, misunderstanding, and transferring stress onto each other. Please keep us in your prayers. We really need it!

Today was a crazy day for us. Along with all the job related stress comes the house selling stress. Today 3 groups of people cam to see our house, which is a great things. I was on my was to church when I was got the call telling us there would be 2 showings between 12 and 1:30. I had to turn around and it was a quick clean of the Reiss home. We are getting pretty good at having our house in order in about 1 hour. Still I ended up missing the service. I was teaching Sunday school, so I had to turn to be at our church (school) by 11am. Then this afternoon we got another call to tell us our home was going to be shown at 5:30. We took a scenic tour of Ashland, VA.

Tomorrow I am going to look into temporary work. I really don't want to, but if we don't have any money coming in then we are in trouble. We have a few options. There is substitute teaching... That can be good money as long as they call you. I was also going to look into temp agencies. I guess I should also fill out a few applications at some retail places. This is a real hard thing for me to do. I wrestle with it because I wonder if it is showing a lack on trust in God. When we started this process we trusted that God would provide for us. Some of me thinks that taking a job here is telling God we don't completely trust him and so we are taking matters into our own hands. Then there is the rational side to it all. We need money coming in, so I need a job. Some people support one argument, some another. Is there a right answer, I really don't know, but tomorrow will be application day...yippeee!

God... I know we are following you... We are being broken down and can only trust that you will provide. Please provide... please.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Haha..I was reading your statement about the substitute teaching..and I was thinking, what if you were a sub at my school...that would be awesome...just random. I'm really hopping that this pulls out for you

7:43 PM  

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